The durlstone school is providing
- Good quality education for children mainly from a marginalised background.
- Nine years basic education.
- With a high 80% passing rate of the state examination the Durlstone School results are far above the national average.
- This diploma allows them access to advanced education (high school level).
- Every student will have mastered the English language, as well as their native language, sufficiënt enough that even without further Education they have a better change of finding a job.
- Well educated and motivated staff and teachers with regular additional training.
- A child friendly and safe environment for all the students.
- A daily pap-meal for the infants and youngest children.

Facts of the Durlstone school
- The Durlstone School was founded by Mrs. Martha Westerhuis-Bakker in 1982.
- The school is situated next to the family’s farm in Macheke, Zimbabwe. In January 2016 we opened Methven school the satellite school for Durlstone (2019; 5 classes and 211 students.).
- The school has since expanded from 25 pupils in the first year to 850 students in the last year (2018) and currently has 25 teachers and 21 classrooms.
- The school is supervised by the Ministry of Education. Mrs. Westerhuis is the Responsible Authority confirmed by the government.
- The standards of education and new developments are supervised by the Responsible Authority together with the headmistress
- The school has its own school committee with the staff and teachers.
- The parents are also involved in the various activities and responsibilities.

Results DFZ and the Durlstone School are proud of
- The well-equipped library including the appropriate furniture and books.
- A schoolbook for each student.
- The Happy Readers reading project.
- Extra lessons for pupils with special needs.
- Introduction of new teaching methods; retraining and workshops for the teachers
- Security fencing around the whole school compound (one kilometre)
- School garden to teach the children to grow their own vegetables.
- A playground with child safe play equipment and sports field installed by the students’ parents.
- Computer classroom with 25 PC’s and lessons provided by a special trained ICT teacher
- Drinking water tank of 10.000 liters. All systems (inc. pumps) work on solar-power.
- Running water for all the teachers houses and toilets on the compound, furthermore 36 water taps at strategic points at the compound for the children to drink water and wash their hands.
- Drainage of used water via septic tanks.
- A total of 21 classrooms are built and/or renovated.
- Satellite school Methven has started with 185 students.
Jaap Wiersma
Kapelweg 79
3951 AB Maarn
e-mail: [email protected]
Telefonisch bereikbaar op : 06-30248567
Bankrekening: NL94INGB0005339633, Leersum t.n.v. Stichting Durlstone Foundation Zimbabwe
Kamer van Koophandel: 02101275
Aangemerkt als ANBI
RSIN: 8186-45-325
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