About Durlstone Foundation Zimbabwe

Our mission is to increase the opportunities for a better future for the children in the Macheke Region Zimbabwe, by providing improved education opportunities in a child friendly and safe environment.

DFZ supports the Durlstone school in their aim to have their students successfully complete nine year primary education in its final state-examine. This diploma allows them access to advanced education (high school level). Every student will master the English language, as well as their native language sufficiently enough to have more chance at a better future even without advanced education.

Durlstone foundation

DFZ supports the Durlstone school in their aim to have their students successfully complete nine year primary education in its final state-examine. This diploma allows them access to advanced education (high school level). Every student will master the English language, as well as their native language sufficiently enough to have have a better chance at a better future even without advanced education.

Durlstone en Methven Students




DFZ was founded in 2007 in the Netherlands to support the initiative of mrs. Westerhuis-Bakker in Macheke, Zimbabwe. 

The Board consists currently of four members and their work is on a voluntary basis without any remuneration. All activities relating to DFZ including the financial administration and funding applications are done by the Board.

During the celebration ceremony of the 10th anniversary of DFZ in 2017,  Mrs. Martha Westerhuis–Bakker was honoured with a personal Royal distinction.

Our Support

The Durlstone Foundation Zimbabwe (DFZ) is registered in the Netherlands.

DFZ supports the Durlstone School and its satellite school in Zimbabwe financially through raising funds from private donations, regular sponsors and through various fundraising activities in the Netherlands. Funding application are honoured by national as well as international organisations.

DFZ works together with are a.o.: Wilde Ganzen Foundation, Groot Haspels Foundation, Ministry of Education, the district Murewa in Zimbabwe, Rotary Clubs and ICPA.

DFZ supports the Durlstone school also with supervision of the special infrastructure projects and workshops for the teachers by volunteers from the Netherlands.


The contributions of our donors and sponsors and the proceeds from the many activities are fully benefitting the Durlstone School. The operating cost of the Durlstone Foundation Zimbabwe are less than five percent.

The Dutch Taxation Office has granted DFZ a charity organisation status (ANBI) with the possibility for individual gifts to be tax deductible. DFZ aims at the highest possible transparency. 

On the Dutch website of DFZ you will find at the tab ‘Wie zijn we wat doen we?’ subpage Resultaten an English translation of the financial statements.

How can you help?

Your donation is still very much needed to enable us to continue with the may activities including at the satellite school and further to ensure the continuation and quality of the education provided. This means: 

  • Purchasing teaching materials for the satellite school
  • Regular additional training for teachers
  • Procurement of new teaching materials including reading books
  • Increase the number of PC’s for tutoring purpose from 25 tot 50 pieces
  • Providing electricity to all the classrooms in order to allow teachers to use computers and digital equipment in their classrooms. 
  • New classrooms and teachers houses for the satellite school are needed
  • Continuous maintenance of existing buildings and school grounds
  • Rainwater management on the compound to avoid land erosion
  • Starting a project to improve hygiene
  • To continue the pap-meal project for the youngest children of the school. 

How can you donate?

You can donate to the Durlstone Foundation Zimbabwe with
(a one-off or a periodic) payment to:

  1. Transfer to the Bank account of Stichting Durlstone Foundation Zimbabwe, Leersum, the Netherlands.
    Bank A/C IBAN Nr: NL 94 INGB 0005 3396 33
  2. Via DFZ website and make your contribution through a transfer with IDEAL.
  3. Payments made from outside the SEPA-zone use the BIC code of DFZ: INGB NL 2A.


Any questions you may have please write to [email protected]

Jaap Wiersma
Kapelweg 79
3951 AB Maarn

e-mail: [email protected]

Telefonisch bereikbaar op : 06-30248567

Bankrekening:  NL94INGB0005339633, Leersum t.n.v. Stichting Durlstone Foundation Zimbabwe
Kamer van Koophandel: 02101275
Aangemerkt als ANBI
RSIN: 8186-45-325

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